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Participants of

Online & Offline Workshops



of Participants


Solution for

 Sustainable Development







Problems we aim to solve

Problems we aim to solve

Lack a crucial ability of systematic thinking when facing obstacles and user understanding for students and entrepreneurs among the youths in modern communities

We discover that youths in modern communities, especially those who are receiving public education, lack a crucial ability of systematic and critical thinking when they face obstacles. Moreover, based on official data, such vacancy can be observed in entrepreneurs of the new generation as well.

Nowadays, sustainability has become one of the major goals that entrepreneurs and new start-ups are aiming to reach. Unfortunately, there are a significant number of failing start-ups in the market, as over 50% of businesses have failed to survive through the five-year mark. Thus, the rise of new forces is facing a huge obstacle, blocking innovative strategies having the potential of creating positive social impacts enhancing sustainability. The incompetence and lack of experience about the market is the major reason.

We consider innovators not being equipped with the systematic and strategic skills being the cause. The gap between ineffective social products and dedication and could be more likely to succeed with a systematic approach, which underlies huge potential.

Why Design Thinking

Why Design Thinking

Design thinking is a non-linear, iterative process that teams use to understand users, challenge assumptions, redefine problems and create innovative solutions to prototype and test

The business value of Design Thinking has been proven to become increasingly significant. It reduces 50% of defects, and significantly lowers the risk of a failed project.

According to McKinsey, companies using design thinking outperform their peers by earning a 32% higher revenue and 57% higher return. As IBM states, by slashing the time required for initial designs by 75% and creating a better user understanding, an average of extra $3.2M is profited by major projects.

Our Project Development Consulting Branch thus aims to apply Design Thinking to help our customers create feasible and effective resolutions and tackle their obstacles.

Our Initiatives

Our Initiatives

THINKERS was founded in 2019, functioning as a Non-Profit Organization for over a year by now. There is an accumulation of over 60 members who joined our organization and engaged in the three branches.

Design Immersion Initiative
In the past years, THINKERS has provided more than 30 ten-hour workshops, together with different institutions and communities.  These workshops include the history and process of Design Thinking and promoted possible implication of the mindset for the youths to bring impact to their societies. We also encourage participants of such workshop to "redesign" and question the existing structure in their communities.
Rural Schools Initiative

THINKERS’ cooperation with Jack Ma Foundation to build a semester-long program that helped more than 20 schools and students to learn and apply design thinking in their own community. Our audience generated creative and effective resolutions and models aiming to improve the design of school infrastructures and canteen food provision, promoting sustainable development as they implement the philosophy of Design for Change of THINKERS.

International Community
THINKERS designed and facilitated our International Change-Makers Program for participants from 100+ countries. It empowers global perspectives through Design Thinking, aiming to promote sustainable activism in different global communities from Europe, South America to Asia.
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